‘Achieving Pae Ora through primary care’ cabinet paper the first step of many
Lakes | Taranaki | Waikato | Tairāwhiti | Clinical | 31/08/2023

Along with many others who have more than a vested interest in the future of primary healthcare, Pinnacle welcomed Monday's release of the Cabinet paper, 'Achieving Pae Ora through Primary Care,’ which sets out the vision for primary and community healthcare over the next decade. 

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HiNZ workshop scholarship applications close this week
Lakes | Taranaki | Waikato | Tairāwhiti | Clinical | 30/08/2023

HiNZ understands that nurses, midwives and allied health professionals find it difficult to access CPD funding, so 40 workshop scholarships are available to help you attend the eHealth Nursing and Midwifery or eAllied Health workshops on Tuesday 28 November 2023. Applications close midnight Friday 8 September.

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Time-limited pause on the use of surgical mesh for stress urinary incontinence (SUI)
Lakes | Taranaki | Waikato | Tairāwhiti | Clinical | Management | 24/08/2023

There is now a time-limited pause on the use of surgical mesh for stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The pause is expected to be in place for a number of months.

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Te Whatu Ora quarterly shingles email to 65-year-olds
Lakes | Taranaki | Waikato | Tairāwhiti | Clinical | Management | 21/08/2023

Starting this week, a nationwide email communication is being sent to approximately 9,000 65-year-olds about being immunised against shingles. The target audience includes eligible people contactable via email who have recently turned 65 (to raise awareness) or are soon to turn 66 (as a reminder). This communication is the start of a regular quarterly email that will reach people as they ‘age-in’ and encourage them to book and receive their two free doses of the vaccine, Shingrix.

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Te Whatu Ora Lakes liaison newsletter August 2023
Lakes | Clinical | 17/08/2023

In this August issue read about new hospital initiatives, the HealthPathways new search function and recently published pathways, Bpac e-referral updates and more.

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GPNZ recruiting practices for unmet need in primary care research
Lakes | Taranaki | Waikato | Tairāwhiti | Clinical | Management | 10/08/2023

GPNZ has commissioned a piece of research through Otago University looking at unmet need (UMN) in primary care. The research will be a mixed quantitative and qualitative primary data collection study through a case study approach, focusing on counting the occurrences of UMN, and gathering in-depth insights into patients presenting with UMN at practices, practice responses, and management patterns. GPNZ is accepting practice self-nominations.

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Pathlab clinical update: Microbiology requesting
Waikato | Lakes | Clinical | 10/08/2023

Pathlab Microbiology is currently experiencing some staffing challenges. Despite the team’s best effort to maintain optimal service levels, Pathlab anticipate that there may be occasional delays with testing and reporting microbiology results over the forthcoming months.

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EMA’s Future of Work Series: unscrambling AI
Lakes | Taranaki | Waikato | Tairāwhiti | Clinical | Management | 10/08/2023

With AI being a hot topic these days, there’s a lot of confusion around what AI even is, where to start and how much it will cost. For a lot of businesses it’s hard to understand how AI can actually help. That’s why EMA is unscrambling AI. This series is designed to help NZ businesses navigate the world of AI in all its confusion and complexity with their new Future of Work Series. Attendance to this series is free for Pinnacle's staff and network as EMA members.

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Healthy Conversation Skills
Lakes | Taranaki | Waikato | Tairāwhiti | Clinical | Management | 09/08/2023

Due to a renewed contract with Te Whatu Ora, there are fully funded places available for health practitioners supporting families with 0-4 year old children, to complete this interactive training.

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IMAC seeking feedback about immunisation and vaccine-preventable disease 0800 service
Lakes | Taranaki | Waikato | Tairāwhiti | Clinical | Management | 09/08/2023

The Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC) is seeking feedback about their 0800 service, which answers questions about immunisation and vaccine-preventable diseases. IMAC will use your feedback to improve the service they provide. The survey is active until the end of this week.

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