In this section we share important news and updates from Pinnacle and the practice network.
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The National Public Health Service and the Public Health Agency have declared a national pertussis epidemic. Te Whatu Ora is asking healthcare professionals to please remain vigilant for people presenting with symptoms and to continue to promote vaccinations to protect vulnerable groups. Pinnacle has compiled information and resources for practice teams.
Read moreAs a primary health organisation, we see firsthand the challenges faced by our communities, particularly those most vulnerable. Te Tiriti o Waitangi has long served as a foundation for addressing inequities in Aotearoa New Zealand, particularly in healthcare.
Read morePinnacle development managers have created a toolkit to provide essential tools and resources to support practice managers, business managers, and other staff involved in the management of general practice. It aims to streamline administrative tasks, improve operational efficiency, and enhance the quality of care and services delivered at practice level.
Read moreFortnightly clinics at two Raglan marae have enabled Raglan Medical to engage with some of the most vulnerable members of its Waikato west coast community.
Read morePinnacle clinical director Jo Scott-Jones has been appointed an Honorary Associate Professor in the Division of Health at the University of Waikato for the leadership he has shown in rural health.
Read moreThe Pinnacle Incorporated Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at 6.00pm at the Pinnacle offices, Norris Ward McKinnon House, 711 Victoria Street, Hamilton, in the River Room (ground floor).
Read moreIt’s the old adage – strength in numbers always beats doing it on your own and that has proven true for the self-formed Waikato Diabetes Community Team.
Read moreBronwyn Dennis, kaimanaaki Waikato, joined Pinnacle in March 2024. This role is designed to be a navigator of manaakitanga, building trusting relationships with iwi, mana whenua and whānau and is modelled on aroha, values and respect.
Read moreWhen wāhine get together, and the subject turns to health, chances are one of the things they mention is how they hate going to the doctor for cervical screening.
Read moreWhen Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust and Pinnacle signed a formal agreement in February to promote the iwi’s hauora ora aspirations in the community it felt historic.
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