In this section we share important news and updates from Pinnacle and the practice network.
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The summertime locum grant was established to help ease the pressure some rural practices face during the peak holiday season such as an influx of patients and the increased costs in attracting and accommodating locums during these peak periods.
Read moreThe success of a marae-based health clinic at Mangatoatoa Pā, just inside the King Country boundary near the banks of the Pūniu River, shows the power of collaboration.
Read moreAre you in a leadership or management role in your practice? Are you interested in the opportunity to access leadership and management training through the University of Waikato? If so, we would appreciate your feedback on your preferred paper credit options for this training.
Read moreWe welcome all members to join us for the Pinnacle Incorporated Annual General Meeting (AGM) being held at 6pm on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at the Pinnacle Offices, Ground Floor, 711 Victoria St, Hamilton.
Read moreTaupō Medical Centre’s Jean Chegwidden followed the leader when she decided to become a nurse.
Read moreLana Reed makes dreams come true. Part of the Pinnacle Tairāwhiti care coordinator’s job is to equip individuals with the tools they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.
Read moreMention the word retirement to Sally Davies and she quickly responds by saying she is still working a day a week but come December that will be it.
Read moreA new Extended Care Paramedic (ECP) initiative has been launched in Northern Coromandel in response to community-identified health needs developed through locality planning and partnerships.
Read morePinnacle was a prominent contributor to the RNZCGP conference participating in several presentations and panel discussions. Congratulations to Dr Dave Maplesden on his Distinguished Fellowship and to Dr Hayley Scott who received the Eric Elder Medal.
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