In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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Regional Pinnacle practice management hui (meetings) are open to those managing general practices, usually the practice managers, businesses managers and CEOs. Admin leads may also be interested in these hui.
The Foundation programme represents a collection of legislative, regulatory and clinical requirements for all general practices in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss diverticulitis, new free resources available through Healthpathways, a financial benefits WINZ resource, and more.
Mpox is a viral disease that can be transmitted by close contact with skin lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials. Outside of very close contacts, it’s not very contagious and the risk of the virus spreading widely remains low.
We are not here to replace your current HR support, but to add value where we can. Currently we proactively support practices in a range of ways and respond to adhoc enquiries. We believe we can continue to offer you great learning opportunities and practical HR solutions that are relevant to your practice needs.
From 30 September 2024, the following insulins will no longer be available in Aotearoa New Zealand: Penmix30, Penmix50 and Mixtard30. NZSSD has issued recommendations for switching to alternative insulins.
A guide for clinical management of type 2 diabetes, including information from a variety of sources. The guide is intended to support nurses at all levels to develop their knowledge and clinical reasoning in diabetes care.
The Quality Improvement Programme (QI Programme) launched 1 July 2024. The programme will be rolled out over three years, with year one focusing on building Quality Improvement capability in general practice.
We have three full-time and two part-time staff in the nurse lead space across the Pinnacle network. They work as a team to support over 450 nurses (Waikato, Lakes, Taranaki, Tairāwhiti) with a key focus on growing and supporting our nursing kaimahi (staff).
These resources are provided to support practices in communicating their fee increase to patients. We have created posters (a short and long version) about fee increases in both PDF and Word formats, and a Facebook tile. Feel free to print and display the poster that best suits your practice and/or share the tile on Facebook if you have a Facebook page. To customise the posters, you should be able to add your logo using Word (for the Word documents), or a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat for the PDF.
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