In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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Risk management is a key function of best management practice, at the strategic and operational levels of your practice.
Pinnacle is a recertification programme provider partner for designated registered nurse prescribers in community health (RNPCH). Find out more about the programme and how to make an application.
Pinnacle MHN contract directly with Waikato community podiatrists to provide care for patients with diabetes who have a high-risk foot.
Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss deprescribing, fever in children, pain management and more.
An introduction to the dashboard and details on how to get set up.
Created by CERT NZ, Own Your Online is part of the New Zealand government's work to raise understanding of cyber security issues for individuals and businesses.
Find out how you can get help if you’ve been affected by an online scam or incident, why being safe online is so important, and how you can keep your business secure online.
Education providers and funding information for nursing education.
By developing new roles, we are able to re-allocate tasks that might otherwise be done by GPs and nursing staff. This can help patients to receive care in a timely fashion, from the right person first, while freeing up time for clinical staff to do what they’ve been trained for.
Regional Pinnacle practice management hui (meetings) are open to those managing general practices, usually the practice managers, businesses managers and CEOs. Admin leads may also be interested in these hui.
Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss diverticulitis, new free resources available through Healthpathways, a financial benefits WINZ resource, and more.