In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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There has been a significant level of interest by general practice in using Nabla Copilot (and similar AI tools) to reduce the amount of time GPs and other practitioners spend on writing up consultations.
A guide for clinical management of type 2 diabetes, including information from a variety of sources. The guide is intended to support nurses at all levels to develop their knowledge and clinical reasoning in diabetes care.
The Aotearoa Diabetes Collective has created a useful guide with templates for letters to support applications for CGM and empagliflozin (for those already prescribed a GLP1ra) for people living with type 2 diabetes.
Please use this one point lesson (linked as a resource to the programme page) and make the fee changes within the Free afterhours U14s advanced form.
Pinnacle delivers a number of reports into practice Healthlink folders (Medtech) or PHO folders (indici). Guides have been developed for some of these to help you locate the report in your Healthlink / PHO folder and to ensure the correct person in your practice receives it.
Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss Heart Foundation resources, Atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation, Pharmac supply updates, and more.
As part of Pinnacle’s commitment to supporting professional development and service improvement within the network, we are offering a nursing innovation fund of $10,000 in total that could be offered as two separate funds of $5,000.
View resourcePneumonia is a significant cause of mortality in children and older people, particularly among Māori and Pacific peoples. Prompt identification and treatment will enable patients with initially less severe community-acquired pneumonia to be managed at home, reducing hospitalisation and mortality.
Point of care testing (POCT) capability is becoming increasingly available in general practice. POCT enables rapid clinical decision-making, an increased likelihood of keeping people well and closer to home (by avoiding referral to hospital) and addresses rural inequities which may be compounded by distance and infrastructure. Pinnacle has developed guidance for quality control of POCT in general practice and a POCT adverse events monitoring system.
Dr Tony Muller, psychiatrist, is able to review special authority (SA) requests for methylphenidate and dexamfetamine, and apply for them if the information supplied confirms the appropriateness of continued treatment. In the majority of cases Dr Muller can action these without needing a psychiatric assessment.